IDEP Scholarship
To be determined “at risk” or for hardship consideration and qualify for acceptance into IDEP Scholarship Program children
(3 years to 18 years of age) or their parent(s) must satisfy at lease one or more of the following six categories.
- A. Alienation
- B. Rebelliousness
- C. Lack of bonding to society
- D. Obesity
I. Individual Characteristics
- E. Parental conflict
- F. Child Abuse
- G. Poor family management practices
- H. Obesity in the family
- 1. substance abuse
- 2. criminality
- 3. teen pregnancy
- 4. school dropouts
II. Family Influences
I. Family history of problem behavior
- A. Early academic failure
- B. Lack of commitment to school
- C. Dropping out of school
III. School Experience
- A. Friends who engage in problem behavior with minor criminality record
- 1. alcohol
- 2. drugs
- 3. gangs
- 4. violence
IV. Peer group influences
- A. Economic Deprivation
- B. High rates of alcohol
- C. High rates of substance abuse
- D. High rates of crime
- E. Proliferation of handguns among children
- F. Neighborhood disorganization
V. Neighborhood and community factors
- Describe medical issues relative to at risk behavior, i.e., (cancer, glaucoma. obesity, etc.)
VI. Medical factors related to at risk behavior
It is requested that on the IDEP Scholarship application you not only identify the risk factor(s) but also mention the protective factor(s) your agency will provide as a counter measure. Example: “John satisfies risk category IV. A. 1. and 4. Friends who engage in problem behavior such as minor criminality and gangs. We will provide a positive peer group, encourage cooperation, respect and pro-social behavior and we eventually hope to inspire John to set and vigorously pursue positive goals in life”.
Scholarship Application
To download IDEP Scholarship Application please click here.
The application must be completed in its entirety. If there are any questions please give us a call 404.344.4366 or email us at