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Honarary Belt Donation Programs

Supporters of our Honorary Belt Programs will receive recognition on our website, advertising opportunities at any of our CKI sponsored events and discounts for personal and family classes and seminars.

Enter your Honorary Belt Donation Below:


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Honorary White Belt -- $51-$75
Honorary Yellow Belt -- $76-$100
Honorary Orange Belt -- $101-$250
Honorary Purple Belt -- $251-$500
Honorary Green Belt -- $501-$750
Honorary Blue Belt -- $751-$1000
Honorary Orange Belt -- $1,001-$2,500
Honorary Red Belt -- $2,501-$5,000
Honorary Red/Black Belt -- $5,001-$10,000
Honorary 1st Degree Black Belt
Honorary 2nd Degree Black Belt
Honorary 3rd Degree Black Belt
Honorary 4th Degree Black Belt
Honorary 5th Degree Black Belt
Honorary Master Degree Black Belt
Any endowment over $100,000